Wednesday, November 17, 2004

A few thoughts

ABC's Monday Night Football and Desperate Housewives

ABC Apologizes for MNF Opening.

This is another example of Network publicity. You can't tell me ABC didn't see, or know, about the opening of the Monday Night Football Game before it aired. They didn't know it would be shown in Prime Time when young people are still up watching television?

ABC knew well what they were going to do and I guess the apology was already for Tuesday morning. This is the new way to advertise programs without spending the AD Money on it. ABC new it would pass FCC guidelines so they went forward with their plan and aired it. They felt they may be fined and they will chalk it up as advertising dollars spent well.

All the news organizations have run stories about the apology. This is creating curiosity for people to tune into this ABC program. I'm guilty as well of falling into the trap to promote the program due to the "Whoops" of ABC on MNF.

Terrell and other Stars using God

On another note about the same incident, Terrell Owens! After the game Terrell is thanking God for being able to accomplish what he did that night. Which was a great game for him. But for those of you who don't know what happened that ABC is apologizing for. Desperate Housewives star Nicollette Sheridan approaches Terrell Owens wearing only a towel in the locker room and tries to persuade Owens to miss the game to do other things. At the end of the intro, she drops her towel and jumps into Owens arms. Owens has the look of pleasure on his face as she does this.

How can he promote adultery and fornication and then promote God after the game? I'm sick of Athletes and Stars saying, "I thank God for this and that," and their lifestyles are so not in support of God. Wearing the Cross on their necks and doing everything not in support of God.

I'm guilty of not always portraying a Christian lifestyle and making errors in my life, but I realize it is wrong. Sure, I don't know the hearts of these stars. After seeing the same actions over and over by the same stars, you can pretty much see their true selves.

1 comment:

mrhaney said...

finally a person that has a brain. let these movie stars and jocks keep quiet about GOD. they can talk about some thing else, anything else.